
Monday, October 18, 2021

Greater flameback to rescue!

08th October, 2021

What! Did a bird rescue me? No they brought my mood back. Here is how story begins!

I was persevering to spot hornbills as well flame-throated-bulbuls. Having been consistently failing to spot, I returned home with disappointment. The only bird I shot was red-wattled-lapwing.

Somehow intuition drew me to tamarind tree behind house. I saw greater racket tail drongo in action but did not capture it due to poor light. But there was a surprise waiting beneath the perch of drongo. I mistook the bird with black-rumped-flameback initially but eventually turned out to be greater flameback which has striking eye and extended golden flameback. That was a female with intensely pecking the wood for possible meal. These birds are seen only in few regions of India including west coast.

So finally the jaded mind was thawed by spotting yet another beautiful bird. This greater- flameback appearance rescued me from the overall disappointment walk of 30minutes and camera storage was exclusively filled with its pictures. I did not spot male nearby. Hope to see someday soon! After lot of hard pecking, the bird disappeared into the jungle.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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