
Monday, October 18, 2021

The Vernal Hanging Parrot

It was not expected sighting. I had little confusion if it was leafbird. I have been watching its rapid movements over coconut tree and rarely at eye level near backyard canopy. Today I placed the camera at 600mm straight towards when it rarely perched steadily over coconut tree leaf. After analysing the display, it was clearly vernal hanging parrot. The decent shots were not possible due to cloud cover and distance. This vernal hanging parrot endemic to India is found only in few parts of country including Western Ghats and adjoining west coast. This unfamiliar voice I had mistaken with leafbird. But it turned out to be Vernal Hanging Parrot. Unfortunately, the impatient bird rarely perch open. Moreover their perch always high above canopy. Their presence is conspicuous once you familiarize with it. I have seen these birds fighting with sunbirds sometimes as well. In same day, I heard it plenty of times till 9AM and later in evening for couple of occasions. Also around 9AM, I could see bird at eye level before bird escaped under the canopy. Once again bad luck with no camera in hand. Hope to get a decent shot soon if luck permits. Here are the initial shots of maiden spotting.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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