
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The king of good times rather every time!

The title named "The king of good times" is cloned from one of the eminent alcohol makers in India. I don't consume alcohol but there is a reason to share this title. Whenever village is immersed in darkness, most of the birds seemed to be muted sheltered under their sweet home to prevent drenching. There is one guy who seems to be resilient to vagaries of weather which is the "White throated Kingfisher". It usually perches over electric line which is hanging atop paddy field. Be it rainy or sunny, cloudy or clear, this bird is always a lifer for birders who find nothing even after a hard walk through jungle during overcast evenings. That's what I call this bird as "King of good times" or precisely "The hope of bad times". They are always present to cheer up jaded birders who find naught even after heavy stroll with heavy gears. Here are some pictures of it.

Meanwhile, this Asian openbill seems to be uninterested in my moves and perched steadily even when I was closer. Its apathetic look was testimony to ignoring the birders. It did not even show sign of taking flight. There is reason for it. The bird seems to be lazy and finds difficult to take a flight unnecessarily due to its large body. Especially they are OK to be with gentle birders. Here is gentle + ignorant pose of Asian openbill.

Another Asian openbill was not so much open about my presence. It was perched on ground at nearby paddy field but with considerable distance. It took immediate flight moving away from my position and perched on tree top. Since light was good, I got a decent in-flight picture of bird. I felt pity about this bird while watching its heavy flight.

These red-whiskered-bulbuls are present everywhere near human habitation. They were creating chaotic commotion with weird calls since it was thundering. Their chaos seemed as if they were the only affected by loud thunders. This artificially created chaos stopped when thunder stopped. Even peacocks don't create so much chaos during thunder. I shared the picture not because of birds but for the fly which quickly posed for a picture in between :-D.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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