
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

More birds from backyard forest

20 October 2021

The backyard forest is crowded with birds during morning hours especially from 7 to 9AM. Thats why old adage says "Dont ignore the proximity". When I stepped into backyard forest, the stage was already occupied by birds. Lets see whom we got

To start with, I set ISO of my camera to manual not to repeat former mistake from here. The results were great with reduced grains in final image. Few lessons are learnt only with experience!

The Vernal Hanging Parrot is cutest bird I have seen. This guy perched over slender wine for a while before resuming its daily routine. Not a great image but still can visualize bird. They hardly perch near human habitation and generally choose high canopy.

Finally, the bright sunshine allowed me to get this guy in my frame with relatively great details. The bird was unaware of my presence flew near my position. The racket tailed drongo perched at nearby tree which was closer to my position. Later it flew away after hearing unfamiliar shutter sound. By that time, I had couple great shots :-). I call them jungle warriors. Every morning they loudly announce their presence and browse the village to show the dominance. I have seen them fighting with jungle babblers and sometime trying to interject other birds. They for sure look like king with adorable tail.

Some more from distance!

If you hear common myna kind of call and you are nearby forest in our region, then do watch out. It could be rufous woodpecker as I saw today. That's why forest is unique place where you can mistaken the bird calls with familiar ones. I too ignored or rather ignoring from long time this voice for common myna. Today I realized that it could be rufous woodpecker too! In future, I will heed to its call and search its perch location. Since I hear them almost daily, hope to get some good close-ups soon! Yet another ignored bird from backyard. This bird is quite speedy in pecking and hears like drilling machine. I was cycling to neighbouring village to spot them but without sighting. Never knew that they are present even behind our house till now!

The common-iora couple came out to open for cleaning session. While male was monitoring the preening and patrolling the surroundings, the female was busy preening. They stayed for a while before moving back to canopy. The male seemed overly impressing female for retaining future partnership :-)

Some macro landscape to conclude the post

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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