
Monday, January 16, 2023

Grey Junglefowl and Red spurfowl in my frame

Visiting native has been infrequent nowadays owing to kids school and back to office protocols. Last week of 2022 was declared holiday for school kids and native visit was planned. Time to check the birds after long time in our village.

The first day, I missed both malabar pied hornbill and grey junglefowl. It was almost dusk and capturing them at low-light was difficult task.

The actual happiness arrived on 3rd day when my stealth, perspiration and patience of 2 years capturing junglefowl paid off. Both the grey junglefowl and red spurfowl were captured cleanly in my camera 😎.

My plan was to trace flame throated and grey headed bulbul calls which I heard throughout the day. While the flame throated hid under canopy, the grey headed bulbul was inside deep forest without trail. I was disappointed to the core when I missed golden fronted leafbird shot. Instead of returning back to home, I decided to walk to the field near canal to see if any hints of junglefowl could be seen. That was great decision indeed. I walked in stealth slowly and captured red spurfowl. The bird was quick enough to notice me and escaped into the canopy soon! Here are complete set of pictures to honor the bird's trust :-)

The grey junglefowl was behind peacock which consequently did not notice my move. I stood below a shadow camouflaging myself to deceive the bird and took some shots. They came out clean. I moved a little closer and captured few more pictures. By that time, bird noticed me and ran away towards canopy. Here are pictures with bright sunlight striking the bird

By the way, both the fowls were digging and probing the abandoned field for something. Were they laying eggs or finding food. If they were eggs, what has it got to do with male junglefowl :-).  The inquisitiveness still hangs on my mind. Meanwhile, both serendipitous spottings were the most rewarding one of the day.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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