
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Year End Birding at native village (2022) - Padur Edition

Last week of 2022 was declared holiday for kids which drove us to native to escape from biting cold of Bangalore and enjoy warm weather of coast. It was indeed warm like summer. But the enjoyment plans were obstructed by illness of kids. Consequently, wandering was impossible which restricted our stays  to indoors and get my tele-lens to work. Luckily, I was aptly rewarded for my patience through birding and memories were etched. I have split them to two, one from Padur and from Hosaadu. Hope you enjoy these tiny series.

Before we begin, a flock of jungle myna was seen perched on summit of casuarina tree which cpativated me to grab a photograph. This was shot near Kottigehara while we were having breakfast.

Lets move forward to our village.

Few vernal hanging parrots are still hanging around our village. They should have cleared the territory by now. Not sure the reason of staying back, perhaps permanent residence?

The biggest disappointment was when the Malabar pied hornbill and Grey junglefowl escaped from my sight during evening of landing day. While I exuberantly caught the grey junglefowl next day, I could only hear malabar pied honrbill calls. Lets begin the series keeping aside annoyance

The commoner Oriental Magpie Robin was trying to locate source of  shutter noise. Not difficult bird to capture. Hope you enjoy!

The backyard is full of tiny birds. The tailor bird comes daily to grab its meal. I caught it while having worm in its mouth.

Many tiny birds frequently visit our backyard but my camera focusing speed cannot match their swiftness. When green warbler stayed still for a while, I could capture neat photos. The end result was utterly disappointing thanks to sensor exposure which was set to -1EV. This setting was not enough to expose bird clearly during evening. Here is record shot!

The ultimate reward during the visit were these Red Spurfowl and Grey Junglefowl. The post is written in a separate page. Do have look here! Couple of pictures of Red spurfowl and grey junglefowl respectively!

Chestnut tailed starlings are plenty in number here. Here is one shot

While shooting birds, this interesting guy showed up while having berries early morning.

Glorious nature to compliment the exciting bird walk. It was humid with occasional clouds streaming from east. I was fully wet with sweat. But the excitement of capturing bird photos heals the fatigue. Even though many of them could not be captured, I revisited most of birds through their calls. Only bird I missed was rufous woodpecker. Hopefully, its still residing nearby

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Delightful bird sightings and captures!

  2. Wonderful series of photos of our feathered friends ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. You are an expert bird photographer. Beautiful shots.

  4. My favorite photo is the seven(7) jungle myna birds perched on a Casuarina Tree. Have a wonderful weekend.
