
Friday, March 10, 2023

Quirky weather and enticing skies

28 February 2023

Just when we thought the summer has entered Bengaluru city, the days were turning to colder as we reach fag end of February. That's unusual at this point of time when warmer weather takes over gradually and reaches peak by end of march. Today morning was chilly with colder winds blowing from east. It looked as if we are entering the winter soon!

The same spot, this happened during evening! Weather can lot quirky! A circulation off SriLanka coast has brought stray clouds into city and transformed the sky to magnificent show of crepuscular rays. The clouds perhaps indicating the outset of warmer days. The western horizon hosted larger cloud mass which may imply possible thunderstorms brewing over the region? I am not weather expert for sure. The crux is to show the transformation we had in 12hrs of time.

Whatever may be the condition, the resplendent sky made the stroll worth gazing and clicking with intermittent jog to catch up with wife.

Birds can be quirky too! Last round of walk was a surprise! This common hawk cuckoo was pleasantly perched over the tree without fear of humans. The same bird gave me insane troubles for a click in native, darting once spotted from far distance. Contrastingly, this bird was happily gazing all round without worrying about urban scape. Even my low-end smartphone was enough to capture it relatively clean. The bird was muted for long duration hence I could not ID it correctly. Experts suggested common hawk cuckoo, so I will go with that!

Even though I didn't carry camera, the bird was closer for mobile camera as well. DSLR shot would have been crisp. Let's see if I can meet again with camera in hand. Here is short video with bird in frame.


  1. Gorgeous skies!! We have had quirky weather too. Lots of rain, and even snow where it usually doesn't snow.

  2. Awesome sky photos and lovely ones of our 'feathered friends' too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Sorry about the weather and I have to say, you captured some great skies. I love your birds as well.
