
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Jakkur Lake evening walk

19 February 2023

This visit was exclusively for kids to check if they achieve the tall climbers which they couldn't manage on last occasion. The nervousness disallowed them to take on the adventure till date. Today both of them assured that they would do it for us.

With summer on its way, it was blasting sunny evening at 4PM. The pelicans were enjoying the swim on the lake. I captured on of them for record. With Sun directly beating on walk path, the setup was not ideal to snap the birds.

Meanwhile cormorant landed for evening fishing.

With insipid light draining the enthusiasm, we walked straight towards the play area. One of my son successfully ascended the triangular climber and descended from other end. Other was nervous and could not make it.

We walked further into the promenade where I snapped few more birds. Perhaps this was blyth's reed warbler?

Not only birds but the interesting part of nature. This tree had fallen down and lying over the lake bed.

Something brewed up in my mind as I saw fallen tree

You will pay in your future

Yelps (or warns) the beheaded nature

Staring at the structure 

Yes! Apartments are all over lake periphery. The buffer zones are not followed. An out of blue rain would fill up lake and drown the urban scape on unlucky day. That's what I listened while gazing at the fallen tree.

On return path, this Brahminy kite hauled a fish from lake but soon dropped it. That was exciting action shot even though the kite's face was masked. Even though exciting for us, the kite lost its dinner. It needs to retry to survive. Hopefully it does.

Meanwhile my other son who was nervous earlier, successfully climbed and descended the climber after a little push and ended our day on happy note.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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