
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Waiting to be revived

Life is like this bald tree. When you are stripped and beaten to helm, even your closed ones will be oblivious to your situation. When tree is bald, people deem it as burden while same tree revives with fresh leaves, same people throng to enjoy shadow under it and praise it's beauty. Similarly when you pass through ordeals, people spew cuss words on you and when storm calms down, entire world including your enemies will have only praise left for you. 

Be it bald or full, this tree posts unique frame every time I circle the Amruthahalli lake. Being naught with water, its actually a lake ground than lake. Not sure if neighboring green trees are also slandering the temporary situation of bald tree or has it already understood that its part of transition.

In fact, bald and beauty are designed by nature and just a process. Similarly ups and downs in life. Society associates downs of life as social stigma and people groan such incidents.  People fail to accept the falls and consequently throw worthless remarks over thyself & destiny. Even tree knows it and just ignores the temporary treatment but intelligent humans are too much engrossed in analyzing downs in life than accepting it as part of process.

It is not only the vegetation, the dry wetland too waiting to be revived

Some of the vegetation have regained green already way before spring! Did they shed leaves early due to bitter cold or was it regular time? I am not an expert to comment!

If this wetland is revived, then the island can be habitat for numerous wetland residents like painted Stork and pelican 

These bland trees never revive but helps birds to warm up for the day especially during winter

Construction equipment clearing weeds of lake is hope that upcoming years will see wetland revival. Not sure if intention is genuine or just to inflate the evaluation of bounded apartments. Unsure if wetland would revive or not but for sure the bounded urban landscape revives at ultra fast pace. The lake rejuvenation is something real estate mafia dreads and dead lakes rejuvenates real estate mafia. It's all about money till nature demonstrates it's might.

The real estate tycoons splurge money on lake view apartments which consequently makes sunrise or sundown views a rarity for walkers. One day, the lake may be filled just with shadows of high raiser

Few perceptions need time. The right sunlight, right time and right mindset. The bland tree with lush foliage in foreground. Does it contrast each other?

Urban expansion implies nature destruction! As high raisers stand tall, the vegetation is getting tinier. The apartments have outgrown vegetation

The city shadows are proliferated with urban landscape than natural vegetation. The natural vegetation is like bird without wings like this bland trees

Frightened by JCB works, many birds are absconding now. The density of ashy-prinia drastically decreased, the glossy ibis is missing and jacanas have no trace. Hope the avian world thrives again once works conclude.


  1. I love the stark beauty of that tree. Good to see that mitigation of the wetland is in process.

  2. The tree is bald but also beautiful with all its stems exposed like fingers reaching for the light.

  3. My favorites are beautiful tree photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. climate change and wetlands development have long term effects.
