
Friday, May 10, 2024

Mediocre days

Things are not normal these days. Everyday turning mediocre and lousy. There are several setbacks from work end which earns our bread and butter. The recession is affecting almost every domain in world and people are loosing jobs. Even trivial mistakes are reason to chop people from jobs. Getting jobs are also slimmer due to less openings. The increments are either unavailable or not matching raising prices. Not sure how 2024 will pan out in terms of job stability and financial situation.

Meanwhile, the inflation in Bengaluru raising day by day. The government to fulfil free needs of its manifesto is astronomically raising prices of electricity bills and property taxes. This is directly hitting tenants like me in terms of rentals. The rental soon will go up despite the slowdown. The salaries are not matching soaring prices in city. The water crisis has reached painful situation. The ordeal of people who live with minimal water can be seen in news everyday. Lot of difficult times for people with administration misbehaving with life of people just to appease few sections of society :-(.

The partial rejuvenating parts are these colorful sunsets. Intermittently we witness such splendid sunsets which provide hope of beautiful things awaiting at the end of day. Eventually, its only hope which can sustain our life in tough time.

In Vedic astrology, Sun is symbol of self-esteem and Saturn of humbleness. There is difference between ego and self-esteem and we pray to lord to show those subtle differences.  Prayers to the Sun god to shower the world with happiness and bless us with colorful days ahead.


  1. Those are splendid sunsets indeed. Sadly the situation you are describing is happening everywhere. It would be nice if things could be wonderful for everyone for awhile but that isn't going to happen so we make the best of the situation. I hope all will be well for you and your family. Thanks for sharing wonderful nature scenes.

  2. ...I hope that these tough times will not affect you and your family severely. Take care and be well.

  3. We live in hard times and people are getting squeezed.

  4. Enjoying your images and regret that times are so hard for your. Take care and be well.

    btw There is far too much advertising on your blog for it to be attractive.
