
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Photo Blog - Lazy Morning

Humidity is high in our village touching almost 100%. On my routing early morning promenade, I saw this two dogs lazily lying in middle of road. At first, I thought the black one was moaning the death of other which was idle over road. Later I found that the one which was asleep on road was lazily rolling over the road to get relief from itching. The sweat is causing intense itching to everyone here.

The other thing is that it was unclear which way black dog was staring. I thought it was towards the Sun since it did not move even though I was strolling towards them.

I moved further closer to them but still no movements from black guy. At least the other moved a bit which indicated that they were just resting

Black dog's look became clear as I neared them. It was evident that black dog was staring straight towards me from long time :-). He was either anticipating someone or spying on my movements from days😂 It looked like silhouette against the blazing morning Sun.

Here is hazy look from closer distance. Now I am 100% sure that he was spying on me since I started my stroll! I did not move further towards them since they were already anxious and would started barking soon! The other guy is like "leave him bro! He is daily walker in this area. Nothing to worry about :-)"

1 comment:

  1. I hope they were both friendly, looks like are checking you out.
