Friday, January 8, 2021

Monsoon Diary 2020 - Waves at Maravanthe beach

The dust is slowly settling. My father health recovered and discharged from hospital. It was time to spend some additional time in nature. The place we chose was none other than Marvanthe beach. The monsoon charm is not dead yet. The violent waves of Maravanthe was testimony for that. It was not casual beach to visit rather and indirect visit. Some pending works at nearby town drew us to the beach and it was worth the visit. Although light was bad, the waves were majestic. I did not have DSLR but mobile was enough to capture the ferocious waves. Here are few clicks

Standing on slipper break water construction is quite risky. There aren't many guards here due to pandemic. You need to guard your own life and its common sense. Life is not selfie show for others but a show to be played for yourself.

Many people have lost lives meddling with such giant waves

Finally short glimpse of monster waves!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your father is better and got out in nature ~ beautiful photos ~ divine place ^_^

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)



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