
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Large billed crow from Bangalore

I guess even names of birds need to change as time progresses. These large billed crows pose happily in Bangalore. They are also present plenty in numbers thanks to irrational garbage dumping by garden city people. Consequently, they forage on the human trash which is easy grab. These crows which were known as jungle crow have adapted well to city lifestyle and no more need to be called as Jungle crow. Here are the pictures shot nearby Amruthahalli lake croaking atop the street lamps. These crows are does not seem to be as shy as one found in our village.

Crow symbolizes the vehicle of Lord Shaneshwara in Hindu Mythology. Lord Shaneshwara (Saturn) is believed to be tough taskmaster and hardship giver. To thaw his harsh hardships, people generally pray to Lord Hanuman to resolve the difficulties at the earliest and also to increase the patience during ordeal. Lets have energetic and disciplined pictures of Lord Hanuman also in this post which I see during every walk at nearby temple.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Good Morning Buddy!

This picture was photographed on a fine morning at Amruthahalli lake. The Asian Koel (Male) was singing enthusiastically before I reached the dry thicket. He was perplexed when he saw me stationary in walk path, staring at him. His face clearly says that he was about to fly but wanted to absorb Sun desperately :-). With confused mind, hoping not to approach him, he wished me good morning :-). It was like "If you liked my song, please move and don't disturb me further". I like the tiny reflection of Sun in his eyes. Without further scribbling, here is the portrait of Asian Koel from morning walk.

Parakeets munching evening snack at Rachenahalli Lake

27 March 2021

After a year of exile, we finally visited Rachenahalli lake. The lake is brimming with thick vegetation. The nascent plants have been promoted to mid level trees. The weeds in water has expanded too :-). The landscape of lake hosts fresh green look of spring. The walk path is hardened. Nothing else changed apparently. The lake visitors seem to have increased. The kids play area remains same and looks new thanks to lockdowns and pandemic. My Kids too enjoyed the playing slides, see-saw and cradle. Apart from this, there are plenty of birds around. The island of lake hosts aquatic birds which I have not snapped till date. However, the distance is concern here. To snap those distant aquatic birds minimum 600mm lens needed. Hence I settled only with on-shore birds. The presence of berries throughout the northern side of lake periphery has attracted parakeets relatively in large numbers considering urban landscape. I think the parakeets adapted well to changing habitat. They like these berries and were seen munching evening snacks nearby play area. They are aware of human noise and movements which they barely heed to. Despite being closer, the parakeets were happily seen munching from the tree perch. Perhaps the reason they get caught easily for pet trade. Also looks like they are habituated to photographers :-). Apart from parakeets, there are plenty of other birds which I could not grab due to lack of time.

This rose ringed parakeet (probably female) was relishing the berries for a longer period of time. I was able to gets its decent shot due to proximity and evening sunlight. The details turned out great as well. Here are the series of pictures of this parakeet with notional talks :-)

Hazy, hot evening in Garden city! Juicy berries are must now. Let me start my evening snack. Hope nobody around to steal my grab

Ah here are humans but they won't be interested and can't reach me either :-)

OK. Nobody down South. Let me begin my feast

Oh! Saturday today. So many kids playing. As long as they do not approach me, I can freely munch my evening snack.

Someone out there staring at me from long time.

He is still staring at me! Should I choose a different location?

He does not have that long stick to pluck berries.

In parallel to enjoying food, let me ponder on what should be my next move!

That should be fine. Unless he does not get closer, I shouldn't be worried. Let me conclude this juicy snack

But I still have pinch of doubt on him. Most of the people either move or play, why is he staring at me ?

He is in stand and deliver position. Hopefully, he is trying something else.

But what is he actually doing? Let me enquire him and offer him some snack

Do you want some share buddy? Its truly delicious!

OK. You are not interested. Let me finish it then

So if you don't want, then what are you up to? Are you staring at me or my meal?

What's that black thing with you buddy?

Oh! You are photographer. So you did not camouflage your lens with green foliage? OK, its city, not needed! Plenty of people visit here to shoot critters like us. OK enjoy and post only the good pictures of mine :-).

Meanwhile, let me continue eating before somebody steals it

Ummm.. So Yummy!

Few evening frames to conclude the lake visit

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

Monday, March 29, 2021

Bird Series - Cinereous Tit

These birds are frequently spotted but somehow the poor light always forbid me capturing decent images. They have quite artistic plumage of dull colours (grey, dark and white). The texture is quite  attractive. The calls are melodious as well. Not sure what they feed upon, but I have seen them eating berries at Rachenahalli Lake. Here are pictures which are not detailed but only posted for record. I had mistaken these birds for House Sparrows initially due to sweet voice. I have spotted these birds at many locations in Bangalore near lakebed.

Here are pictures from Amruthahalli Lake. The bird was too close but camera could not focus fast. By the time I snapped couple of pictures, the bird flew away.

Here are pictures from Rachenahalli Lake 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

Parakeets around Amruthahalli Lake

I never thought that the Bangalore city hosts high number of parakeets. These are the birds adapted well to urban environment and are aware of human movements. Unlike my village, these parakeets are aware of the human limitations to reach them. Hence for photographers like me they are easier to click since the birds rarely shy away when approached closer. Consequently, I have plenty of them in my camera. These birds dwell in coconut tree holes present nearby lake area. Most of that time they are either squabbling or with their partner. Here are pictures from my collection. I am not sure if plum headed parakeets dwell in city.

Following are from casual evening stroll when they perched on bland tree to absorb evening sunlight

Hey! Who is that? What is he doing?

This was taken after above series. Probably the parakeet was guarding home

Here are some during courtship feeding.

Forget about that creeper dear. He has no other work :-). Lets continue our romance! I am having eye on his moves.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries