Friday, August 30, 2024

BR Hills Sunrise

Travel plans of 2024 began on peak Summer month i.e. May with one day stay at BR hills Mayura hotel. We landed safely before check-in time. The thunderstorm season was just outset and greens were gradually blooming. Region was drenched in heavy thunderstorm during the evening time for nearly an hour. For sure, the sunrise would be awesome sight during sunset or early morning. Unfortunately, the evening was covered with mist & hill was buffeted with winds.

Around morning 6AM, wife excitedly woke me up sighting the gorgeous sunrise scenes. Summer sunrises are quite early and I immediately rushed to viewpoint of BR hills to witness magic of nature. The Sun had woken up almost 75%. Still the presence of clouds made it possible to capture few colorful scenes despite landing late.

The shining clouds, the cascade of hillocks, the fog, dancing clouds beneath were perfect elements to capture landscape scenes. I have mobile version of these pictures, but for now I am posting DSLR shots. Hope you enjoy!



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