Friday, August 9, 2024

Monsoon Diaries (13/06/2024) - Gorgeous sunset post heavy showers

Today it rained considerably in my area. While travelling from office to home, the intensity of rains were significantly high which was pleasure to watch. The heavy drops pelting the windshield is something pluviophiles enjoy a lot! The usual scenes of two wheelers taking shelter under the bridges were common which results in long traffic jams. As I approached my area, the rains were completely stopped. Wife said that it rained an hour back and now it has stopped. Its weird season. It rains in one region and as you drive further, other region completely is dry. This is not uncommon though! Especially during thunderstorm days, one area can clock as big as 100mm, in contrast, the nearby areas may score hardly 20mm. Its matter of luck I say!

After sipping fresh hot tea and evening snacks, it was time for evening walk. The drizzles interrupted our walk which shoved us away from terrace. The sunlight was alive and sky was glowing. It was perfect for sunset shoot. The vivacious atmosphere was soothing for eyes.

The rainbow popped up at the other end of horizon thanks to combination of rain and sunlight. My kids too loved them!

A short timelapse this time due to rain interruption.

1 comment:

  1. Love rainbow captures, they just brighten up the sky.



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