Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monsoon Diaries (12/06/2024) - Busy Northwest, confused clouds, little rain

Today evening, the sky was relatively calm with high winds and passing clouds. The atmosphere instantly turned dark and large mass of cloud started moving towards north west. I thought steering would be from west to east but clouds moved from south-east to north-west. That's typical monsoon steering. We saw rain shaft dropping rains on those regions (visible in picture).

A thin rain cloud mass was moving overhead. The wind speed increased and thus confusing clouds. The strange variation in wind speed jammed the clouds and thus resulting in confused pattern. The rains were faint though. There wasn't any significant rain though :-(

Later the cloud mass over north-west too looked confused! The nimbus clouds turned stratus after dumping significant precipitation.

Overall a good scene to capture. Here are two timelapses captured quickly. Since clouds were fast moving, it was a easy quick grab. Rest of the time went in capturing the drama all over!

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