It makes me laugh when I start scribbling about these creatures. They are found everywhere in our village and also in cities. They have prefix 'cattle' because majority of the day is spent running around cows and other domestic cattle. The way they pester cattle is just LOL :-D. I love their expressions and also have many notional posts dedicated to their facial looks. They are shy of-course when they see humans but strong when near the cattle while picking bugs. Even the cattle need their assistance to get rid of the bugs that reside on the body. I have seen these egrets near machinery especially during paddy harvesting and field cleaning. I guess, they find some bugs to eat when the ground gets cleared. They are brave to these machinery movements. Quite easy to shoot if they are used to you. I frequently stroll through fields to which they are now accustomed to. Hence I can capture them relatively closer but not touchable distance :-D. Cattle egrets enjoy rains. I have seen them picking bugs in rains. They perch over cattle which is funny to watch. I have seen many instances of them perching in flock over bland tree. There plenty of pictures in my collection with varying expressions.
Their usual workplace
Some detailed shots when they were close
They search in between grassland as well
Finally few attempts catch them in-flight. Yet to grab a decent one though
Other blogs of egrets. Do visit them!
(ii) Egret basking under sun 2
(iii) Notional egret and cattle talk
Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries
...a common sight in Maui.